Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Global Warming Alarmists Keep Out Of Sight As The Earth Freezes

As the Earth experiences one of the coldest winters in recorded time, the Global Warming folks are nowhere to be found. Most of them have wrapped themselves in their electric blankets in their expensive homes and are trying to ignore what is happening outside in the world around them.

Some of them are still snow bound in Coppenhagen waiting for the airport to open so they can return to their lavish homes in one of their private jets.

Al Gore is in seclusion counting the money that he made from selling carbon credits to unsuspecting souls who thought they were helping the environment.

Most of the idiot politicians refuse to believe their senses and are still trying to pass Obama's Cap and Trade legislation. They just recently passed a new law which defined Carbon Dioxide to be a pollutant. That's right! The very air you breath out, is a pollutant gas. The expect us to believe that WE ARE POLLUTING THE EARTH EACH TIME WE EXHALE!!! These polititians are so stubbornly stupid that they will keep passing Global Warming legislation until their hands are so cold that they can't push the voting buttons at their seats in the Capital Building.

Coppenhagen was a farce and all the attendees who dared to show their faces after they returned are laughingstocks. It has finally became apparent to everyone with eyes in their heads that Global Warming is only about money. Al Gore and his gang are out to get rich. NASA's James Hansen and other climate "experts" are only trying to keep their jobs through fearful forcasting. Global Warming researchers have been exposed as lying cheats who have deceived the public through faked data and faulty math.

Dozens of people have died this past week from freezing conditions and some have been forced to burn furniture and books to keep warm.

As their temperature of the earth continues to drop some wonder if we may be entering another ICE AGE. As huge sheets of ice accumulate at the poles, the water level of the oceans will drop and additional coastal regions will be exposed. Land bridges will form. Animals and people will be able to walk on land that was once under water.

What will be the next scam that we should expect?

Will Al Gore and his buddies show up on our door steps asking for money to pay for heaters so that we can raise the temperature of the earth? Will idiot polititians pass new legislation promoting green house gas production? Will they encourage dairy farmers to feed their cows special food which increases methane gas through cow flatulation? Will we paint our houses black so that they absorb sunlight? And where will all the polar bears and penguins live when they are forced towards the equator as the polar regions become uninhabitable?

There will be an increased demand for fuel oil and gas so that we can heat our homes and work places. This demand will naturally drive up the price of oil and natural gas. The greedy oil companies will be accused of taking advantage of the situation. (They can never win!) The government will impose price caps and try to force the oil companies to limit profits or maybe even to give oil away for free for the good of mankind. Where will it end?

I wonder how we will respond? Will we have learned our lesson from the current global warming example? Hopefully we will act smarter, but I suspect many probably won't! We'll just keep electing the Al Gores and the Obamas and giving them Peace Prizes. We'll keep paying the James Hansens with our tax dollars. The poor countries of Africa and China will still come to the U.S., France, Germany and the U.K. for handouts and then become angry when we don't give them our money, just like happened in Copenhagen last month.

Things never change.....do they?

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