Friday, April 29, 2011

Chicago School Bans Lunches From Home

Big Brother is at it again!  Since Mrs. Obama and her husband's government know more about what is best for us than we do, they have taken another step towards total control of our lives.

Believe or not, an elementary school in Obama's city of Chicago has banned students from bringing lunches from home.  That's right!  No more homemade lunches at that school, unless you have a note from your doctor.  The school claims they are protecting the kids from making bad choices about food for lunch.  Read it yourself if you don't believe me:,0,4567867.story

Gone are the days when kids carried their lunch boxes to school with a thermos full of milk or juice.  Gone are the days of peanut butter sandwiches made by loving mothers who wrapped them in wax paper or a plastic bag to keep them fresh.  Gone are the homemade cookies.  Gone are the snack size bags of potato chips.  Gone are the carrot and celery sticks.  Gone are the 1/2 pint cartons of milk for 5 cents.  Gone are the bologna sandwiches on whole wheat bread.

After all.....Mrs. Obama and the liberal government know better what you should be eating.

When I was a kid growing up in Los Angeles, only the rich kids could afford to eat in the cafeteria at school.  Back then it cost 35 cents to eat in the cafeteria.  I never ate in the cafeteria because we couldn't afford it.  I remember once when my mom was in the hospital and my dad was sick in bed.  Each day my dad would give me a quarter and a dime so I could eat at school, since he was in no shape to get up and make a lunch for me.  I remember standing in line for my lunch with all the rich kids.  My poor friends were so envious of me as I held my 35 cents while the line moved slowly towards the cafeteria door.  Finally I get inside and received a plastic tray with my meal, a paper napkin, and my eating utensils.  I remember so well the "wonderful" meal that I sat on my tray before me.  I remember the square block of red or green jello, the block of some type of casserole, a spoonful of green beans and a glass of milk.  Then on Friday we had fish sticks, and I never knew the reason why.

Normally my mom would send me to school with my metal lunch box which contained a peanut butter and honey sandwich, a couple of homemade cookies (if I was lucky), and an apple or other piece of fruit.  Sometimes I had pieces of carrots or celery.

Today things are different, especially in Chicago.  All the kids have to go through the cafeteria which provides wholesome food selected by Mrs. Obama and her liberal government friends.  Their meal choices include wonderful and healthy dishes such as tofu, pasta and veggie balls, minestrone soup, mung beans, and lentils.  Yum, Yum!

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