Saturday, August 6, 2011

S&P Lowers US Rating to AA+


You might think that the Liberals would finally get the message about the debt with the recent action of the S&P downgrade.  But NO!!!!   Harry Reid was in the news this morning blasting the Republicans and demanding higher taxes for the rich, for businesses, and especially those companies that have corporate jets.  No mention at all of decreasing spending!   There is only one solution to them and it is to increase revenue to match the increased spending.

I have several friends who are retired.  They all collect fat pensions, along with social security, have all their health costs paid for through Medicare and are living the good life.  No change in lifestyle at all.  One bought a new fishing boat, and another is buying a new and bigger house.  One has an airplane and the list goes on and on.  They clearly have more money than they did when they were working.

The state of Pennsylvania just decided that the poor in their state get free cell phones and 250 free minutes.

I have a neighbor who voted for Obama in 2008 and still proudly displays the campaign sign in his garage.

Don't these people get it?  I just don't understand.

We have an incompetent person as our president.  He is not a Christian.  He hates America, and refuses to respect the flag or our country.  He hates Israel.  He is a socialist and wants to redistribute the nation's wealth so that everyone has the same.

But he is not alone.  There are millions of Americans who believe as he does, that the poor are entitled to  cell phones, cars, TVs, homes and wealth at the expense of those Americans who work hard each day to pay the bills.

While I agree that we need to take care of our poor and the elderly and sick, it needs to be done out of love and charity.

I was listening to an audio tape of Robin Hood the other day.  Here was a hero who we always hear about who took form the rich and gave to the poor.  But then I listened to one of the scenes where Robin is taking money from a rich person.  He emptied the guy's purse and takes half and returns half to the rich man.  He claimed it was like a tax of sorts.  It is important to note that Robin took less from this man than the US government takes from me.  And I am not rich!

Why don't Harry Reid, Obama and the other liberals see what they are doing to our country?  And if they don't believe what the conservatives are telling them, why don't they simply look at what is happening in European countries like Greece, and Germany and France and even England?

It is a "No Brainer"!


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