Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy Mobs Embracing Socialism

It is difficult to believe that these Occupy Mobs have any brains at all.  Have they studied the history of the world?  What are they learning in their classes at Harvard and other centers of "learning" where their teachers have encouraged them to take off from classes and illegally camp out like homeless people, waving signs that promote socialism at its worst?

With such demands as "Forgive all debt" it is difficult to imagine that any type of rational thought is going on in their empty heads.

Today I heard Jessie Jackson Jr. advocate the idea that the US Government hire all the unemployed in the US and pay them a salary of $40,000 per year until they get jobs.  Am I the only one in the world that thinks that is one of the dumbest idea I have ever heard?  Jessie Jackson is trying to appeal to the poor of the US and encourage them to envy and be jealous of those who have more than they do.  History has numerous examples of what happens when people rise up against the wealthy and destroy the very opportunities that could raise them out of poverty.

I like what Cain said the other day about the Occupy Mobs.  He basically said if you are not rich, don't blame anyone but yourself!

Years ago I was in the tiny city of Cambridge, Ohio, and needed to have my shoe repaired.  I found a shoe repair shop in town and met the owner.  He was a very bitter man who complained that he could hardly make ends meet and was continually in want of basic necessities.  Here was a man who owned his own business.  He came to work when he wanted and left when he wanted.  He could take a break whenever he felt like it.  He owned his own machines and set his own prices.  I was in his shop to buy his services and pay him for his time and materials.  As we talked more, he admitted that he longed for Socialism where there was no ownership, no personal wealth and no incentive to do better or improve your situation.  He wanted no rich and no poor.  Sadly he was advocating a government where everyone was poor!  It was very unfortunate.

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