Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Author of Global Warming Emails Told to Leave University

Here are a couple more news articles on the email leak that occurred recently at the University of East Anglia, UK. Apparently the University has now identified a professor who wrote many of the embarrassing emails and are demanding that he leave the university. What is strange is that this professor is one of the true believers. He is on their side in the debate. The reason they want him to leave is because he was naive enough to send the emails which are now embarrassing the university. When you "cook the books" the last thing you want is for someone to write down the recipe!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Climategate - The Fraud Officially Exposed!!

Top level management at the University of East Anglia, UK, are scrambling today in response to the unauthorized release of thousands of internal emails and correspondance which indicate that the faculty's climate research books were cooked! Somehow, someone obtained access to this information within their computer system and posted it on the internet for all the world to see and read. Portions of some of the correspondance is presented in the UK press release link here.

Senator Inhofe from the State of Oklahoma, who has always believed that the theory of man-made climate change was a scam, indicated that he will call for a full Congressional Investigation within the next week. Millions of dollars has been wasted and millions of people have been deceived by Al Gore and the likes of his friends at the University of East Anglia.

Of course the university's representatives claim that the corresponance has been taken out of context. However if you read the quotations it is easy to see that these professors and researchers...
1- Manipulated data to make the outcome agree with their views.
2- Destroyed data that did not agree with their views.
3- Conspired with others to discredit those with opposing views.
4- Betrayed the public trust by comitting fraud against the people of the Earth.

I will be following this story to see if the media is capable of stiffling yet another source of truth in the climate debate.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Drinking Birds Solve Energy Crisis?

I am sure that most of us have seen one of those cute drinking birds like the one pictured here. You fill a cup with water and get their foam head wet. Then they can run for hours. I discovered recently that few people, however, understand the principles upon which these adorable birds operate. It is not perpetual motion or free energy…these birds employ simple laws of physics and thermodynamics.

As soon as the foam head of the bird gets wet, the water begins to evaporate (provided the humidity is low enough). The evaporating water cools the bird’s head and as well as the sealed glass tube inside the foam head. As the pressure inside the head decreases with cooler temperatures, the colored liquid is drawn up from the body of the bird and into the head. This makes the head of the bird heavier than before, and the bird tips forward to maintain balance. Once the bird tips forward, the liquid is able to flow back out of the head into the body, whereupon the bird stands back up to maintain its balance. This cycle is repeated as long as there is water in the cup to keep the bird’s head wet and the humidity is low enough to evaporate the water. The energy which propels this little bird comes from the sun which maintains air temperature and humidity.

The other day at work, a co-worker suggested that we could attach an electric generator to one of these birds and have them produce electricity. “Pure genius!” I responded. We quickly ran through some rough calculations and figured that if we had 42,000 trillion (4.2 x 10^16) birds running, we could supply the electricity needs of the entire United States! The quantity of birds seemed larger than he had imagined, so he suggested that we build giant birds and position them around fresh water lakes in dry, arid regions of the United States. We envisioned thousands of these giant birds drinking from pristine lakes in Yosemite Valley, California, and other lakes in Colorado and Montana. And who would object to such a solution? Certainly not the environmentalists. What could be more natural than a giant bird drinking from a lake? No pollution. No noise. All natural!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

More Great Harmonica Trio Music - Very Impressive!!!

Here are more great videos of harmonica trios playing some great music. This is a picture of a bass harmonica, one of the three basic instruments of the trio.

The Dave McKelvy Harmonicats

The Jerry Murad Harmonicats playing "The 12th Street Rag"

Jerry Murad Harmonicats playing "Peg O' My Heart"

Jerry Murad Harmonicats playing "Orange Blossom Special"

Another group called the Harmonicats playing a Broadway Melody in Florida

The Harmonicats in 2008

Jerry Murad's Harmonicats playing "Perfidia" in San Francisco

LA DWP Confirms Cause of Ruptured Water Mains

A while back I suggested that the cause of the recent number of broken water mains was old water pipe system in conjunction with increased water pressure through conservation orders by the local governments. This theory has been confirmed by the LA DWP which specifically mentioned old cast iron pipes, Franklin Canyon Reservoir and an increase of four pounds per square inch. Check out this article in the LA Times

Sunday, November 15, 2009

More Harmonica Music for Harmonica Guru's

I have played the harmonica since I was 12 years old, and I thought I had quite a collection of instruments, until........I saw these three short videos. The first two videos show a bass harmonica and a chord harmonica (pictured above).

The next video shows the chord and bass harmonica along with a fairly large chromatic harmonica like the Hohner that I own.

I think it would be so much fun to be a part of a harmonica band with instruments like these!

Take a look at these short videos and start saving your money. They are BIG bucks!