Monday, September 13, 2010

Here We Go Again! - Hurrican Igor Is Coming! Run For Your Lives!!

The media is already at it again.  As if they hadn't learned from their last embarrassing prediction about Earl, they are already starting to spread concern and fear about Igor.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

No Coverage of Koran Burning by AP News, but........

Today the Associated Press said they refuse to show images of the planned burning of a Koran because it might offend the Muslims.

However the AP broadcast this photo above to the world today of a US Flag being burned in Pakistan.

I guess the US Flag burning did not offend any Muslims.

I don't agree that we should be burning a copy of the Koran but you would think the AP would recognize their own hypocricy in selecting who they can and cannot offend.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

News Media Disappointed with Hurricane Earl

You could see it coming.  Not the hurricane, mind you, but the media's bloodthirsty anticipation of destruction!  For days before Earl passed harmlessly by the East Coast of the United States the media warned and warned again that it was going to be a big one.  Each time the winds increased, the media announced that the storm had been upgraded to a 2.... then a 3.... and then a 4!  The media seemed drunk with the power they had over the people.  The forced evacuations were but one example of the media's power and ability to control what was going on.

And then what happened.....?

Instead of ripping buildings apart and drowning hundreds with the giant storm surge, the hurricane passed harmlessly by the East Coast and dumped a bunch of rain.  The disappointed media quickly sank back into their holes.  They did not get to stand in the rain with their camera lights and their face getting beaten by the frozen droplets of 200 mph rain.  They had nothing to show for their efforts.  How very disappointed they were!

I was doing a Google Search this morning to find out about the aftermath of Hurricane Earl, but there is little that was written.  There was no story about how they had overestimated the hurricane or how the evacuations were a costly waste of time and money.  There was no story about the gross errors in their computer modeling, which by the way is similar to the computer model that they use to predict global warming.  

But what would you expect the media to do, after they did all they could to build it up and scare everyone to death and to force people to leave their homes and their belongings during the evacuations?  They will tell you that they did it for the public good and that they were just doing their job to keep everyone informed. 

What a bunch of hooey!  

Monday, September 6, 2010

How To Tie Your Shoes Correctly

     When I first began dating my wife, nearly 40 years ago, her shoe laces were always coming undone.  Being a Boy Scout, trained in the art of knot tying, I noticed almost immediately that she was not tying her shoe laces with the correct knot.  She was tying what is called a Granny Knot.  Nearly everyone has heard about the Granny Knot.  It is a improperly tied Square Knot that slips when you put it under load and easily comes undone.

     The fix was easy.  I simply had her reverse the first part of the knot so that the knot ended up a proper Square Knot.  I have met many people in my life who do not tie their shoe laces properly and always have a problem keeping the laces from coming undone.  Sometimes this can be quite embarrassing.
     I recently discovered a web site devoted completely to the proper tying of shoe laces.  Check out the link below and see if you are tying your shoe laces properly.
Proper Shoe Lace Knot Technique

     Several years ago I met a young women at work who was between jobs and getting ready to begin a new career in the TV News Industry.   While she worked at our company we taught her the correct way to tie her shoes and it really made a great impression on her.
     Several months later she left our company and began here new TV news career in Arizona.  One of her first stories was on the correct way to tie shoe laces.  She went to a local school and conducted an experiment where she had half the kids tie their shoes one way and half the other way.  After the kids played out in the yard at recess, she checked to see if there was a difference in how well the knots stayed tied.  She found out that the Granny Knot came loose much more often than the Square Knot.  As part of her story she visited a local Scoutmaster and had him explain the difference between the two knots and explain why one was better than the other.