Thursday, May 14, 2009

Victims of the Greatest Fraud!

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh today and he is trying to find a Theme Song for his Anti-Global Warming Update. The one he likes the best is "Fire" by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown which begins with "I AM THE G-D OF H-LL FIRE!!!!!!!".

I gave a controversial speech the other day at Toastmasters. My specific assignment was to speak on a controversial subject and then respond to hostile questions after the speech. I decided to speak on one of my favorite subjects "Global Warming".

I began like this, "Everyone in this room is a VICTIM! A victim of the greatest FRAUD that the world has ever seen!....."

I told the audience how the motivation for the fraud was money! "Follow the money," I told the audience. I exposed three of the worst proponents of the Global Warming Scare including Al Gore (who is so ignorant he can't explain why ice-cubes float in water), the President of a web site (CarbonFund.Org) that sells "CO2 Indulgences" similar to the Catholic Church hundreds of years ago, and the head of climate research at NASA's Goddard Institute. For $100 you can rid yourself of guilt from producing CO2 and claim that you are "Carbon Neutral". They will even send you a beautiful certificate (suitable for framing) to show your friends that you are "Carbon Neutral".

After all, that is what Al Gore does. He pays money to the web site to offset the CO2 that he produces with his SUVs and his Airplanes and his big mouth. Then he can show his certificate and say that he is "Carbon Neutral."

Anyway, I was just starting the question and answer period of my speech when a guy in the audience came out of his seat and stormed the podium where I was standing. Some people actually thought he was going to hit me, but he only wanted to yell at me at close range. It was pretty intense. The club president gave him a scolding for his "bad behaviour" and he has since dropped out of the club.

I read an article in Scientific American about two European Scientists who just discovered that living plants produce one of the worst greenhouse gasses, namely Methane. At first they were afraid to announce their findings because it would not be well received by the Global Warming Religion. And it wasn't, that's for sure. The two scientists were accused of "heresy" by their friends (which clearly has a religious flavor to it).

You know there is a problem when a belief, like Global Warming, is shown to be true by a "concensous" of scientists!!! Nothing in science and engineering is ever proven to be true by concensous. Yet every day we hear how this many or that many scientists believe in Global Warming. That is the ONLY way they can convince people that it is true. The facts just aren't there! It must be a true religion since the majority beleive in it. RIGHT?


Mark my words! Now that the Democratic Party controls the governemt, we will be paying through the nose for more and more research into Global Warming. It will be taught in our public schools and our children will soon believe that it is a fact. They will be told that man is to blame and that unless we spend billions and billions of our taxes on reducing CO2 the world will be destroyed.

Those who don't accept the Global Warming Religion are already being fired from their jobs in government and education. Some states are already limiting the amount of CO2 that your car can produce. They are also struggling with what to do about cow flatulence that accounts for a large percentage of Methane gas. Maybe we will have to get rid of cows and go without milk. I guess we can drink soy milk.

I do my best to expose the fraud of Global Warming but I am just one voice. Luckily there are bigger voices like Rush Limbaugh who see it for what it is....a HOAX..and try to expose it on the radio.

However, there is big money behind Global Warming and it is a popular religion. Those who speak against it are very unpopular and even hated.

After all, it seems so kind and soft and warm and thoughtful to save the earth from bad cars and bad cows and bad plants and bad Republicans.

Thank goodness we have Pelosi in charge.


  1. Oh Jeff!!! You make me laugh!!! My heart thanks you!!!!!

  2. Amen! Uncle Jeff you're my hero.
    I used work as a writing tutor at UVU, helping students with papers and research. One day I had a student come in who was researching the topic of global warming. He said he was having trouble supporting his thesis. When I asked him what his thesis was, he responded "Global warming is entirely man-made", he said he could find lots of statements that said this was true, but no scientific facts to support it! He had actually found a lot of hard evidence to the contrary while looking for an opposing argument! After I suggested to him that maybe he should change his thesis statement to better reflect his hours and hours of research, he assured me that he was quite certain that his thesis statement was true and couldn't be modified. I still think it's too bad that he has been so deceived to the point that he won't even trust his OWN research on the subject! I just hope his professor gave him a bad grade for his poorly researched research paper.

  3. Also, I'd like to hear, what do you think about the moon landing? I worked with some interesting people and we have had some interesting discussions on both of these topics...

  4. Great comment Andrew! The poor student obviously can't allow himself to even entertain the thought that he may be wrong about man-caused Global Warming.

    Now what is this about the moon landing?
