Sunday, February 28, 2010

Al Gore Found! - Wearing Snowboots - Still Defending His Global Warming Peace Prize -

My old boss used to tell me that there are three kinds of people: Lazy, Ignorant, and Stupid.

Many in our society are Lazy.  They simply lack the motivation to do things on their own.  They need to be encouraged to do the right thing.  And until they are motivated by something or someone, they do little or nothing.  It puts a big burden on the rest of society as they not only have to do their own part, but they must carry the burden of motivating and encouraging the lazy people of the earth.

Next is Ignorant.  The ignorant have simply not learned the truth.  They just need to be taught.  Most of us are in that group at one point or another in our lives.    There is no shame in not knowing things if you had not had the opportunity to learn them.

Now we come to Stupid.  Stupid people are incapable of learning.  Not only that, but once they have been taught, they do the wrong thing anyway.

Let me give you a few examples of each.

Lazy - A father who stays at home watching TV because it is easier to accept welfare than to go out and look for a job is Lazy.  He is likely teaching his children to be lazy as well.  He is a burden to society.  Maybe someday his poor wife will be able to motivate him enough to go out and at least apply for a job, but then he will not likely follow up on any leads and would be late for the job interview because he slept in after his alarm went off.

A student who goes to the library to learn about a subject in preparation for a class is ignorant.  He lacks knowledge.  Since this ignorant student is going to the library he is not a burden to society.  He will most likely succeed in what he attempts because he is motivated to learn.

Next we have Al Gore.  He is the perfect example of Stupid.  When he was young he was ignorant, and his parents forced him to go to school.  He barely managed to pass, thanks to the encouragement of others.  Al Gore is a special case, because he is also Lazy.  Instead of working hard like everyone else, he chooses to sit back and leech off the efforts of others.  He has become rich by selling Carbon Credits to other Stupid people.  Even though he has known all along that Global Warming was not caused by man, he refused to accept the truth.  That is Stupid.  Now as the evidence continues to pile up against him, he continues to preach his lies.

On February 27, Al Gore prepared a speech which the New York Times swollowed up like a hungry seal enhales a sardine.  It must have been a slow day for them and they needed to fill a few columns.  Al Gore poked his head out of his mansion long enough to see the shadow of nature's variation in winter weather, and he ducked back in faster than Punxsutawney Phil.  He admits that he and his Global Warmists have made some mistakes but he still stands by his Stupidity.  Check out the link below.

I wouldn't mind it if Al Gore and his Stupid friends kept to themselves. I don't mind him winning the Nobel Peace Price for his book, his movie and his speeches.  But these people are raising our taxes and hurting businesses.  They are stealing from the poor and producing more Carbon in a day with their jets and their mansions and their caravans, than any of us would produce in a year.  (Check out my previous blogs in August and November 2009 to see what I mean.)  These stupid people need to be stopped.... and the sooner the better.  As long as they keep preaching their Global Warming Religion and stupid politions and others keep giving them money, we will all come out losers.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love that bumper sticker! Gosh he's an ugly guy! I remember when he was with Clinton noting that his eyes were like black holes! Nothing inside!! Jeff, Global Warming is real you know! Sure! Happens every spring and summer...
