Friday, December 30, 2011
To Hear This Message in English Please Press "6"
We received the financial statement for our medical insurance today and in the true spirit of political correctness the insurance company provided the necessary information in 6 languages:
Chinese (Traditional)...
AND the one that I appreciated the most, since we live in America, was
This would only happen in the United States.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
New York Man Wears Christmas Tree Costume in Protest
In the spirit of political correctness, the idiots in charge of the Staten Island Ferry Terminal in New York have banned all Christmas decorations inside the terminal.
My award for the best Christmas Costume goes to this gentleman who created his own Christmas Tree Suit and wore it around the terminal to protest the stupid ban.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Protestor ill Prepared for Job Market
I received this photo the other day from a reliable source. If it is a real photo from an actual Occupy Protestor, then there is no wonder they are having trouble finding jobs.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
MacNiven Nearly Run Over By Clueless Woman
Today I was walking towards my car outside a neighborhood drug store when I was nearly run over by a woman driving a Toyota Prius. As the woman continued on after the incident, I couldn't help but notice two things about her car.
First, that she was driving a Toyota Prius. Now I will acknowledge that there are Prius owners who admidt that they own a Prius because they like the technology. I commend them for their integrity. However, most Prius owners believe they are saving money and protecting the environment. Not only are they NOT saving money, but the environmental cost of manufacturing, driving, and disposing of a Prius and its batteries, far outweigh any benefit from getting 50 miles per gallon.
The second thing I noticed about her was the personal license plate on the back of her car. What I saw printed on her license plate certainly summed up the entire situation.
It said simply "CLULESS"
Friday, November 11, 2011
Occupy Protester Dies in Pioneer Park
I read this morning that one of the Occupy Protesters, who was living in Salt Lake City's Pioneer Park has died of unknown causes. Here is the photo that appeared on Drudge Report:
On the floor of his tent, right next to his sleeping bag is a propane stove, much like the ones used by Boy Scouts and other campers. It is very possible that this poor man, in an effort to stay warm during the cold night, used his stove as a heater inside his tent and asphyxiated himself while he slept.
I can't recall how many times, as a Scoutmaster, the boys and I discussed the dangers of bringing stoves into a tent. And I can't recall how many times I read about men, women, and entire families dying during their sleep because the used a stove as a heater inside their tent.
UPDATE: I read today that the cause of this man's death was a combination of carbon monoxide poisoning and drugs.
Penn State Protestors Have Misplaced Values
In less than a week, Penn State and their entire football program have become a mockery. An assistant football coach witnesses another football coach raping a 10 year old boy in the Penn State shower and when it is reported, nobody calls the police or does anything about it. There is a massive cover-up and the man is allowed to continue coaching and raping and raping and coaching.
Now that these men are being held responsible for their actions and will finally be held accountable for their crimes and negligence and cover-up, there are Penn State fans who place the football program and victory above the law and above what is morally right. They are rioting in the streets, destroying property and threatening the lives of those who have testified against those who have obviously done wrong.
What are they thinking? What are they learning at Penn State? What are they NOT learning at Penn State?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wall Street Protesters Are Hypocrites
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I wonder what this person's bedroom looks like at home! |
Today I read that the Occupy Protesters are having new problems in addition to the existing problems of lack of sanitation, filth, groping and rape, theft and robbery, drugs, cold and wet weather, flies, rodents, lack of funding, and complete disorganization. Keep in mind that these morons' primary complaint about America is Capitalism. They want Socialism, plain and simple. They want free education, free medical care, free housing, free drugs, no fees, no evil corporations, and no rich people. They want to take from what they call the "1 percent" and give it to the "99 percent". They hate the rich, they hate the police, they hate conservatives, they hate the government, they hate unhealthy and fried foods, and they hate war.
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Apparently they DO enjoy the fruits of Capitalism such as laptops, the Internet and IPhones |
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Notice the guy on the right. Is he wearing noise canceling headphones? |
"Hey, wait a minute!" yelled the protesters. "You can't eat our food! We prepared and cooked it and you haven't done a thing!"
Do you think any of them ever read the old story about "The Little Red Hen?"
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Book of Capitalism - "Who will help me plant the wheat?" |
The protesters have now organized their own "security force" to keep the homeless people out of their encampment. And their are using force to keep them out.
If that wasn't enough, the cooks staged a protest against the homeless people and started serving only brown rice and peanut butter sandwiches. That didn't sit well with the hungry protesters who had just returned from a hard days work fighting with police and throwing rocks and spitting on people. They had built up an incredible appetite and were looking forward to some of that organic chicken and goat cheese salad.
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I think I remember this same guy from a 1960's War Protest |
But the best was yet to come...
Then the protesters authorized their own security force to go around the camp and "inspect" the tents of those they thought might not be real protesters. Based upon the results of the search, these non-protesters were evicted from the camp.
I ask you to stand back, with an open mind, and examine what has happened...
1 - These protesters who hate capitalism and greed, are withholding their own food from the poor and needy. While they sit there and eat organic chicken and goat cheese, they expect their homeless neighbors to eat out of trashcans and dumpsters.
2 - These protesters who hate the police and scream at the top of their lungs about "unnecessary force", have organized their own security team and have authorized this group of security people to forcefully prevent homeless people from trespassing in "their" camp. Keep in mind that these protesters have been permitted to camp on private property owned by large corporations that pay their own money for taxes and maintenance and mortgage on the property. Some of these protesters, like the ones I saw this week in San Luis Obispo, are camping on government property that is being paid for and maintained by all of us!
3 - These protesters who hate police and the government that they say is violating their rights to free speech, see nothing wrong with having their own security force break into the tent (or home) of their neighbor to search for evidence that might convince the protesters that these people do not share their political views and thus they need to be evicted from the camp.
These Occupy Protesters are Hypocrites of the highest degree! They do not appreciate or appreciate the freedoms they enjoy as a result of living in this great country of ours, as evidenced by the fact that they are so willing to forbid those same freedoms to those needy people in their neighborhood!
These protesters are selfish, spoiled and raised with an entitlement mentality. Whatever they claim they learned at Harvard or Yale for all the money they willingly borrowed, apparently did not cover such topics as "Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you", or American ideas such as illegal search and seizure.
I had to laugh out loud when I read the line in the article below where one of the protesters complained about being "overworked and underappreciated".
If they have their way and we move closer towards Socialism, they will feel a lot more of the same!
Read more:
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Solution for Entitlement Mentality - Gratitude!
A good friend of mine sent me this video today. The man in the video hits the nail right on the head with his analysis of the people who are protesting in Greece, New York, Los Angeles and Washington, DC.
Click Here for Video
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Elk Invade Colorado
A good friend of mine sent me this YouTube video about Elk Season in Colorado.
Click here to see the video about the Elk in Colorado
Very Interesting!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Occupy Mobs Embracing Socialism
It is difficult to believe that these Occupy Mobs have any brains at all. Have they studied the history of the world? What are they learning in their classes at Harvard and other centers of "learning" where their teachers have encouraged them to take off from classes and illegally camp out like homeless people, waving signs that promote socialism at its worst?
With such demands as "Forgive all debt" it is difficult to imagine that any type of rational thought is going on in their empty heads.
Today I heard Jessie Jackson Jr. advocate the idea that the US Government hire all the unemployed in the US and pay them a salary of $40,000 per year until they get jobs. Am I the only one in the world that thinks that is one of the dumbest idea I have ever heard? Jessie Jackson is trying to appeal to the poor of the US and encourage them to envy and be jealous of those who have more than they do. History has numerous examples of what happens when people rise up against the wealthy and destroy the very opportunities that could raise them out of poverty.
I like what Cain said the other day about the Occupy Mobs. He basically said if you are not rich, don't blame anyone but yourself!
Years ago I was in the tiny city of Cambridge, Ohio, and needed to have my shoe repaired. I found a shoe repair shop in town and met the owner. He was a very bitter man who complained that he could hardly make ends meet and was continually in want of basic necessities. Here was a man who owned his own business. He came to work when he wanted and left when he wanted. He could take a break whenever he felt like it. He owned his own machines and set his own prices. I was in his shop to buy his services and pay him for his time and materials. As we talked more, he admitted that he longed for Socialism where there was no ownership, no personal wealth and no incentive to do better or improve your situation. He wanted no rich and no poor. Sadly he was advocating a government where everyone was poor! It was very unfortunate.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
History Repeats Itself - Cartoon from 1934 Chicago Tribune
Pay special attention to the plan of action in the lower left corner. (Click on the picture to enlarge)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
What's Up With These Rich Liberals?
Don't you just love these rich liberals like George Soros, John Kerry, Warren Buffett and the ever popular John Edwards, as they promote higher taxes for everyone but themselves? I was briefly impressed by Warren Buffett the other day when he told the liberal media that he thought that he (himself) should pay higher taxes. But then the very next moment I heard that he was in the midst of a court battle with the IRS over a couple of million dollars in back taxes that he didn't want to pay. So much for advice from Warren Buffett on paying taxes.
Today George Soros said that we are already in a Recession due to the Republicans House's lack of cooperation with our Nobel Prize winning president Obama. He is another one who advocates that everyone pay higher taxes to save the economy. Do you see him writing any extra checks to the government to help lower the deficit? I don't think you will.
Nobody in their right mind wants to pay higher taxes, including the wealthy liberals. But if an extremely rich person really wanted to help reduce the national debt, they could do everyone a big favor by writing out a nice fat check to the IRS. Too bad it won't be tax deductible.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Media Cries "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!"
The other night I watched a news report from the east coast where a reporter took shelter from hurricane Irene standing in a corner next to a building. As he reported how bad things were and how he was lucky to have shelter, the cameraman caught site of a man in the background walking his dog down the street. Before the reporter could complete his report, another man calmly road by on a bicycle.
As a small child I remember the story of Chicken Little who ran around shouting "The Sky is Falling...The Sky is Falling!!"
Then there was the story about the little boy crying "Wolf" until nobody believed him anymore.
I guess the media is suffering from a bad economy as well as everyone else in America (except of course for the Obama family on vacation). The media is using the Irene crisis to increase their ratings and business.
The media and the government should save their "wolf!" warnings for real emergencies instead of for exaggerations such as Irene, and Global Warming.
Global Warming Predictions Use Same Computer Models
Predicting the future has always been tough to do. If you were good at it, people considered you to be a "Prophet" like Moses or Isaiah. Recently some weather scientists at NASA have spent millions of our tax dollars to build giant computer models that predict weather far into the future. In fact they claim to be able to predict air and water temperatures more than 20 years into the future. These computer models are the very ones which the scientists have used to determine the cause of what they have called "Global Warming". Based upon these models, they claim that man is causing the temperature of the Earth to increase, and that if we spend trillions of dollars, we can change the temperature of the Earth!
This past week America watched as these scientists put their computer models to the test. A hurricane was fast approaching the east coast of the United States, and it was named "Irene". The liberal media helped build the hype and anticipation of disaster as they predicted death and destruction for thousands of people. Each hour of each day we saw computer generated plots of where Irene was headed and how strong the winds would be. President Obama cut his vacation short to take charge of the Hurricane Command Center and sit in the big stuffed command control center chair with his name plate proudly displayed in front of him. "It is going to be a tough 72 hours!" he predicted and added, "This storm will affect a lot of Americans."
Finally the storm hit the coast of North Caroline. Newscasters broadcast their terrifying reports as they huddled near buildings. But in the background the cameraman picked up a man riding a bike calmly down the street, and couple walking their dog. Maybe it wasn't as bad as the computer models had predicted?
When the truth came out that winds barely reached 40mph, the media was forced to admit that things were not as bad as they had reported. Now the blame game has started and government scientists are making excuses about what they got wrong and taking credit for what they got right. (Check out the links below)
Goodbye California - We Knew Thee Too Well!
I think the LA Times said it best when they referred to California as “A State in the rearview mirror”. The huge unemployment, heavy tax burden, dropping house prices, accessive regulations and codes, as well as the worst economic position in the United States have taken their toll. As a result of this oppressive environment, people, businesses, and families are leaving the state in droves!
I have lived in Southern California all my life. I was born in North Hollywood and spent my childhood in the San Fernando Valley under the plume of smoke and thunder from the rocket engines being tested nearby for the Apollo moon program. There was never a shortage of funds for schools. Every year we had brand new textbooks and I was even provided exercise classes to help with my flat feet. When I was ten years old my parents moved our family west into Thousand Oaks where I would spend the next 48 years watching California become more liberal, more oppressive, and more expensive. My wife was also from California and we raised our family in the same home town where we grew up. Our children attended California schools and tried to learn, despite the liberal teaching methods that met with disastrous results. The companies for which I worked struggled to survive California’s increasing tax burden and heavy regulations and codes.
Finally our children left the state to attend college. They are married and have their own families with children of their own. But you know what? They chose not to live in California. Even my parents left the state to live out their retired years somewhere else. All my six brothers and sisters moved away leaving my wife and I the last of our family in what was once the golden state of California.
Despite the exodus of our families, my wife and I chose to remain in California since I had a secure job and we had a nice home where the weather was always wonderful. But each year the taxes got higher and my employer found it harder to survive. Our home water bills skyrocketed when the government decided it was more important to protect a Sacramento sardine than to grow crops and provide drinking water for the population. Oppressive regulations drove up the cost of gasoline and electricity and natural gas. Other services which rely on those commodities passed their increased costs onto the consumer, and up went the cost of food, trash, and sewer, phone and other services. As California protected the influx of illegal aliens and provided them with free health care and paid them to attend our colleges and universities, the cost of our health care went up 15 to 20 percent per year.
Each year I watched the “do gooders” in Sacramento dream up even more oppressive schemes. Two years ago they passed a law that required all new home heating and air conditioning units be equipped with radio receivers so that the politicians could control our home air temperatures from Sacramento. We have forced recycling, mandatory water conservation, tiered costs for electricity to encourage conservation, and vapor recovery systems on all gas stations to capture gas fumes that might escape into the atmosphere. Half the output of our automobile engines is diverted to run smog equipment. We pay fees on soda bottles, fees for used oil, and fees for old car tires.
To increase the cost of living further, California’s public employees are some of the highest paid in the country due to public employee unions which are paid from our tax dollars. Retired public employees make far more money than they did when they were working. They buy boats and airplanes, new homes and rental property.
Gangs fueled by illegal aliens have become a major problem for the public and for law enforcement. The gangs cover the city with their graffiti, and they murder at will. The liberal court system that should have protected the public, chose instead to protect the rights of those who defied the law and who thumbed their noses at law enforcement.
Even the government has no regard for the law. When the majority of Californians voted to protect marriage with Proposition 8, the governor himself defied the will of the people and encouraged the courts to overturn the law.
Despite all of this, my wife and I remained in California because I had a good job and we loved the weather and our beautiful home with neighbors and friends.
Then one day it happened.....
My employer of 28+ years called me into his office and laid me off. I was now unemployed at the age of 58, living in one of the most expensive and most oppressive states in America, surrounded by illegal aliens, and gangs. To us the choice seemed simple indeed.
We decided that we will sell our home and move out of California to another state. We will choose a state where the costs are lower, where the law is enforced, where water is plentiful and tastes good. We will choose a state where it is safe to walk around the neighborhood at night without fear of being robbed or mugged. We want a state where the rights of citizens and businesses are more important than the rights of sardines and illegal aliens. We will look for a place where a citizen can buy a gun and ammunition. We will consider a state where the government will not control the temperature of our home, but would feel a responsibility to teach children in school, instead of providing them free lunches and a place to play electronic games.
Sadly my wife and I are not alone. According to the LA Times, more people, families and businesses are leaving California than are entering. The trend has been consistent for the past four years and is increasing. So my wife and I will be moving soon. Our house is for sale, but the price is dropping each week as the housing market is tanking and fewer people are moving to the once golden state of California.
We will just be relieved to see California in our rearview mirror.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Marco Rubio's First Speech in the Senate - June 2011
When I hear Marco Rubio say that he was blessed to be born in a strong family in America, where it is God who gives us our rights, I get tears in my eyes. We need more leaders in our government like Marco Rubio. He is able to inspire all Americans and give us true and honest hope in the future!
The link below is his first speech on the floor of the United States Senate.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Senator Marco Rubio for President - 2012
All you have to do is to listen to this man and you will see that there truly is hope for America. Senator Rubio speaks clearly and with the power of truth!
In 2012 we need to take back control of our government from the socialist liberals like Obama who are destroying our great country.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
On Paper the Solution is Simple!
According to the S&P, the reason they downgraded the US from AAA TO AA+ was due to the following ratio:
Debt/GNP (where GNP is Gross National Product shown in the graph below)
Notice the drop in GNP since Obama took office around 2008!
They say that they want it to be less than or equal to 73%.
Now let's look at how the US debt is changing over time, especially since Obama took office:
The next day after the debt limit was raised by Obama, the government immediately (in ONE DAY!) borrowed more than 100% of our GNP.
Now what is the solution? How can we get the Debt/GNP ratio lower?
Mathematically the answer is very simple. You can either decrease the debt, increase the GNP or do both.
With the economy the way it is and businesses hurting financially and laying people off, it is difficult to increase the GNP.
The only solution is to decrease the amount of debt. But how do you do that?
Here again, mathematically the answer is simple. You can increase your intake, decrease your spending, or do both.
The Democrats' solution is to increase our intake. This is done by raising taxes. However that hurts businesses who produce jobs and create the wealth that increases the GNP. If you increase taxes you are basically having a negative impact on the GNP, which is the opposite of what we are trying to do (see above). If you could somehow extract new taxes from the people in a fair and equitable way, it might help the problem. For example there are some very rich people who "claim" that they would be more than happy to pay higher taxes. I say, "What is stopping you?"
Other's like Bill O'Reilly on Fox News have proposed a more equitable tax code. That is something I would suggest as well. Maybe a flat tax rate of 10% to 20%, for example.
The other solution and the one that is supported by the Tea Party is to cut expenses. That is another solution that I support. Get rid of the fat government, excessive pensions, the waste, the fraud, the free cell phones, and Obamacare. Remember, retired people don't need more money after they retire than they did when they were working!!!
S&P Lowers US Rating to AA+
You might think that the Liberals would finally get the message about the debt with the recent action of the S&P downgrade. But NO!!!! Harry Reid was in the news this morning blasting the Republicans and demanding higher taxes for the rich, for businesses, and especially those companies that have corporate jets. No mention at all of decreasing spending! There is only one solution to them and it is to increase revenue to match the increased spending.
I have several friends who are retired. They all collect fat pensions, along with social security, have all their health costs paid for through Medicare and are living the good life. No change in lifestyle at all. One bought a new fishing boat, and another is buying a new and bigger house. One has an airplane and the list goes on and on. They clearly have more money than they did when they were working.
The state of Pennsylvania just decided that the poor in their state get free cell phones and 250 free minutes.
I have a neighbor who voted for Obama in 2008 and still proudly displays the campaign sign in his garage.
Don't these people get it? I just don't understand.
We have an incompetent person as our president. He is not a Christian. He hates America, and refuses to respect the flag or our country. He hates Israel. He is a socialist and wants to redistribute the nation's wealth so that everyone has the same.
But he is not alone. There are millions of Americans who believe as he does, that the poor are entitled to cell phones, cars, TVs, homes and wealth at the expense of those Americans who work hard each day to pay the bills.
While I agree that we need to take care of our poor and the elderly and sick, it needs to be done out of love and charity.
I was listening to an audio tape of Robin Hood the other day. Here was a hero who we always hear about who took form the rich and gave to the poor. But then I listened to one of the scenes where Robin is taking money from a rich person. He emptied the guy's purse and takes half and returns half to the rich man. He claimed it was like a tax of sorts. It is important to note that Robin took less from this man than the US government takes from me. And I am not rich!
Why don't Harry Reid, Obama and the other liberals see what they are doing to our country? And if they don't believe what the conservatives are telling them, why don't they simply look at what is happening in European countries like Greece, and Germany and France and even England?
It is a "No Brainer"!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Viewing US Flag Produces Republican Bias
Recent studies by four major universities have shown that simply viewing an American Flag tends to produce Republican Party bias. It is important to note that it does NOT produce Democratic Party bias, only Republican Party bias. Read more about the specific findings below as reported in the US News and World Report:
"A single exposure to an American flag resulted in a significant increase in participants' Republican voting intentions, voting behavior, political beliefs, and implicit and explicit attitudes, with some effects lasting 8 months," the study found. "These results constitute the first evidence that nonconscious priming effects from exposure to a national flag can bias the citizenry toward one political party and can have considerable durability."
"In contrast to the beliefs of the participants in the pilot study, the results from the experiments reported here show that exposure to the American flag introduces a bias toward the Republican Party over the Democratic Party. In one experiment, we tested whether subtle exposure to the American flag shifted people's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors toward the Republican end of the political continuum. We found that a single exposure to a small American flag during deliberation about voting intentions prior to a general election led to significant and robust changes in participants' voting intentions, voting behavior, and political attitudes, all in the politically conservative direction."
"It is important to note that political ideology and party affiliation did not moderate these effects. That is, both liberal and conservative participants were influenced by the flag prime, and in the same (conservative) direction," said the study.
To prove the shocking results, the scholars in the spring of 2010 conducted another test, this time to see if exposure to an American flag produces a bias toward Republicanism, rather than the party that controls the White House. For this, they showed some pictures of buildings that included a flag, and others photos with the flag digitally erased.
That result: "Subtle exposure to the American flag significantly shifted both Democratic and Republican participants' beliefs, attitudes, and voting behavior toward Republicanism."
The three key findings of those attending July 4th celebrations:
- When done before the age of 18, it increases the likelihood of a youth identifying as a Republican by at least 2 percent.
- It raises the likelihood that parade watchers will vote for a Republican candidate by 4 percent.
- It boosts the likelihood a reveler will vote by about 1 percent and increases the chances they'll make a political contribution by 3 percent.
What's more, the impact isn't fleeting. "Surprisingly, the estimates show that the impact on political preferences is permanent, with no evidence of the effects depreciating as individuals become older,"said the Harvard report.
Finally, the report suggests that if people are looking for a super-patriotic July 4th, though should head to Republican towns. "Republican adults celebrate Fourth of July more intensively in the first place."
Now how will the findings of these studies impact our way of life in the United States? I may be a little paranoid, but I can easily see the following changes in the not to far distant future:
- American Flags will be banned within viewing distance of voting places.
- Visual images of the American Flag will not be allowed on government documents.
- Saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag will be forbidden by law in the United States.
and the worst of all....
- It will be unlawful to display the American Flag in the US Capital Building when the House or Senate is in session and especially when voting. It will also be unlawful to display the American Flag in the Supreme Court.
I suspect there will be no change with respect to what Democrats think of the American Flag, especially Mr. Obama, who has shown disdain for America and its flag even before he was elected President.
Now how will the findings of these studies impact our way of life in the United States? I may be a little paranoid, but I can easily see the following changes in the not to far distant future:
- American Flags will be banned within viewing distance of voting places.
- Visual images of the American Flag will not be allowed on government documents.
- Saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag will be forbidden by law in the United States.
and the worst of all....
- It will be unlawful to display the American Flag in the US Capital Building when the House or Senate is in session and especially when voting. It will also be unlawful to display the American Flag in the Supreme Court.
I suspect there will be no change with respect to what Democrats think of the American Flag, especially Mr. Obama, who has shown disdain for America and its flag even before he was elected President.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Don't Punish The Rich!
The Obama Administration as well as liberals everywhere continue to blame the rich for our economic problems.
"They fly corporate jets."
"They make too much money."
"They need to pay more in taxes."
In light of the fact that 39% of all taxes are paid by the top 1% earners....
In light of the fact that 86% of all taxes are paid by the top 25% earners...
In light of the fact that 97% of all taxes are paid by the top 50% earners...
It is clear that the wealthy are already carrying the heaviest tax burden in America.
What most people fail to realize is that the wealthy are the employers. They are the ones who pay America's salaries and create America's jobs.
If we destroy the wealthy by taxing them so much that they lose their ability to make a profit we will destroy their incentive to form companies that create jobs and pay salaries.
When I was little I remember a story about the goose that laid the golden egg. If we kill the goose, we will have only ourselves to blame for our mess.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Reduce Spending Like Everyone Else in America
The Obama Administration needs to take a lesson from the rest of the regular folks in America when it tries to solve its financial problems.
When a regular family in America finds itself in a situation where it is spending more than it makes, it has the same options as the federal government.
1- It can borrow money
2- It can reduce spending
3- It can obtain more money (i.e. Get a better job with a higher salary)
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that borrowing money is not a long term solution. Many families have tried and eventually they go bankrupt.
Reducing spending can be painful, especially if you are used to a standard of living and you have to cut back on things that are used to having. Just take a look at what is going on in Greece and you will see how painful it can be.
Then there is the third solution; get more money. However, unlike a regular family who can't always get a higher paying job, the government simply raises our taxes to pay for what it wants. This is what Obama wants to do and he told us today that 80% of us agree that he should raise our taxes.
Where did Obama get this silly statistic that 80% of Americans want to pay higher taxes?#!&*%@
As painful as it will be, we need to reduce our expenses. We need to shrink the size of government, and reduce our demand for government services. This will be painful and people will complain.
Medicare benefits may be reduced.
Social Security increases may be lower.
Kids may have to bring lunches from home instead of having the government pay for them.
Government pensions may not be as high.
The Obama family may have to cut back on international vacations.
Government officials may have to fly coach instead of flying in their own military jets.
We may have to cut back on silly government funding research projects.
Maybe women will have to pay for their own abortions.
Maybe prisoners won't get viagra or get to have their own large screen TVs.
Yes it will be painful, BUT if we are going to save America from the same fate as Greece and other European countries who are on the brink of going bankrupt, we must reduce spending.
There is really no other way to solve the problem!!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
How Does It Feel to be Unemployed?
Ever since my first job as a newspaper delivery boy in the 60's I have always had a job. After the paper, I worked for McDonalds fast food and then I had a job at a bike shop in Provo, Utah. Following my mission for the LDS Church, I returned to McDonalds where I supported my wife and two sons while I attended college. I can't forget the short stint as a research assistant at BYU. Then came the REAL employment after I graduated from college. It lasted nearly four years until my first layoff in 1983. Within a few days I got another job with a higher salary and better benefits. I stayed with that company for over 28 years until I was laid off last week. They told me that my position "had been eliminated" and there was no need for someone with my skills. Part of me was angry because I did not believe what they were telling me. However, another part of me was excited as I wondered what the future would hold for me and my family.
Now I find myself among the ranks of thousands of other unemployed citizens of the United States. I can now say from personal experience that I know how it feels to be out of work.
As an engineering manager for over 25 years, I have witnessed dozens of layoffs first hand. In all cases but one, the layoff forced the employees to make decisions they normally would not have made. They were forced to take risks outside of their comfort zone. And in all but the one case, the employees quickly were back on their feet, with a new job, with a higher salary, better benefits and a new beginning.
And so I share that same optimism today. My family and I are excited about the possibilities before us. We have even discussed the possibility of moving and even changing professions. With this layoff we begin a new chapter of our life and we are optimistic about the future.
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