Friday, July 15, 2011

Reduce Spending Like Everyone Else in America

  The Obama Administration needs to take a lesson from the rest of the regular folks in America when it tries to solve its financial problems.

When a regular family in America finds itself in a situation where it is spending more than it makes, it has the same options as the federal government.

1- It can borrow money

2- It can reduce spending

3- It can obtain more money (i.e. Get a better job with a higher salary)

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that borrowing money is not a long term solution.  Many families have tried and eventually they go bankrupt.

Reducing spending can be painful, especially if you are used to a standard of living and you have to cut back on things that are used to having.  Just take a look at what is going on in Greece and you will see how painful it can be.

Then there is the third solution; get more money.  However, unlike a regular family who can't always get a higher paying job, the government simply raises our taxes to pay for what it wants.  This is what Obama wants to do and he told us today that 80% of us agree that he should raise our taxes.


Where did Obama get this silly statistic that 80% of Americans want to pay higher taxes?#!&*%@

As painful as it will be, we need to reduce our expenses.  We need to shrink the size of government, and reduce our demand for government services.  This will be painful and people will complain.

Medicare benefits may be reduced.
Social Security increases may be lower.
Kids may have to bring lunches from home instead of having the government pay for them.
Government pensions may not be as high.
The Obama family may have to cut back on international vacations.
Government officials may have to fly coach instead of flying in their own military jets.
We may have to cut back on silly government funding research projects.
Maybe women will have to pay for their own abortions.
Maybe prisoners won't get viagra or get to have their own large screen TVs.

Yes it will be painful, BUT if we are going to save America from the same fate as Greece and other European countries who are on the brink of going bankrupt, we must reduce spending.

There is really no other way to solve the problem!!!

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