Friday, November 11, 2011

Penn State Protestors Have Misplaced Values

In less than a week, Penn State and their entire football program have become a mockery.  An assistant football coach witnesses another football coach raping a 10 year old boy in the Penn State shower and when it is reported, nobody calls the police or does anything about it.  There is a massive cover-up and the man is allowed to continue coaching and raping and raping and coaching.

Now that these men are being held responsible for their actions and will finally be held accountable for their crimes and negligence and cover-up, there are Penn State fans who place the football program and victory above the law and above what is morally right.  They are rioting in the streets, destroying property and threatening the lives of those who have testified against those who have obviously done wrong.

What are they thinking?  What are they learning at Penn State?  What are they NOT learning at Penn State? 

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