Monday, May 25, 2009

The Engineering Gene

Deep within our genetic make-up is a wonderful combination of genes and chromosomes. These chromosomes form the talents and strengths which determine who we are. For some there is an ear for music. Others have the ability to speak and think at the same time (I really missed that one). For some it is art and drawing and seeing a sculpture out of a block of clay or a clean sheet of paper. There are an enumerable array of talents, and no two people are the same.I was born with the engineering gene. The engineering gene and the spelling gene cannot exist in the same person; therefore I cannot spell. Thank goodness for spell check and the old fashioned dictionary. The engineering gene allows me to put objects together in my mind as well as take them apart. I communicate with pictures and graphs and mathematics. Oh how I love math.When I talk to kids today about being an engineer I asked them if they love math. Teachers give you math homework assignments to do problems 1 thru 21 odd. (They always do that, you know, because the answers for the odd problems are in the back of the book.) I tell the kids that if you really love math, you will do the even problems as well just for the fun of it. Most kids think I am crazy, but some know what I mean. They are candidates for engineering.When I was a kid I loved to take things apart and see how they worked or why they no longer worked. I loved to make things and build things. I am always amazed with our world and the wonders around me. I love to ask questions.For example I ask the kids, "Which way do you run around the track on the field?""Counter-clockwise," they respond."Correct.""Which way to cars drive around the Indy 500 raceway?""Counter-clockwise," they respond again, this time with wonder in their eyes."Which way to horses run around the race track?""Counter-clockwise," they say in unison."Did you ever wonder why?" I ask them."Why," they ask me. I love to hear that question...and I love to answer it...Why?Because I am an engineer.

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